Everything about Hooks in React !

Everything About Hooks In React !

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1- Hooks 101

Hooks are a new feature introduced in React version 16.8 that allows developers to use states and other React features without writing a class. Hooks allow you to extract reusable code into functions instead of having to create classes. Hooks also provide a more expressive way to manipulate and compose logic. They can be used to replace manual classes as well as to build more complex components. Hooks are very useful for developers as they simplify and reduce the code needed to create React components. Additionally, they provide developers with better flexibility and more precise control over their components. Finally, they allow developers to create feature-rich components without having to write long pieces of code.

2 - Hooks Rules

Hooks Rules are a set of rules that define how and when Hooks can be used. The Hooks Rules were created to ensure the safe and consistent use of Hooks.:br The Hooks Rules are as follows:

  1. Hooks can only be used in React functions, not in classes or inside another Hook.
  2. Hooks must be called at the root of the component, not inside a loop, condition or nested function.
  3. Hooks must not be called in callback functions.
  4. Hooks must be called in the same order each time. By following these rules, developers can be confident that their React components will behave in a predictable and consistent manner.:br The Hooks Rules are essential to understanding and using Hooks correctly, and using them correctly is the key to a reliable, high-performance React application.

3 - Tips & tricks

Here are some useful tips and tricks for using Hooks in React:

  1. Use Hooks in functional components and not in classes.
  2. Use Hooks as close as possible to where they are used.
  3. Use Hooks only in the root of a component and not inside loops, nested functions or conditions.
  4. Use Hooks in the same order every time.
  5. Create reusable Hooks to avoid duplicating code.
  6. Do not use Hooks in callback functions.
  7. Use Hooks consistently across components for better readability and maintainability.


Here are three examples of hooks that can be found in React:

  1. useState: useState is the most commonly used Hook in React and provides developers with a simple and efficient way to manage state in their components. It takes an initial value as an argument and returns an array that contains the state value and a function to modify it. With this hook, developers can easily update a state and reflect it in their component.:br For example:
const [state, setState] = useState(initialState);
  1. useEffect: useEffect is another common hook that allows developers to perform side effects in their components, such as API calls, DOM update, subscriptions, etc. It takes a function as an argument and is triggered whenever the component changes. So developers can use this hook to execute code when the state of a component changes.\ For example:
useEffect(() => {
  // Effect code here
  1. useContext: useContext is a very useful Hook that allows developers to access context data from any level of the component tree. It takes a context object as an argument and returns an object that contains information about the context. This hook makes it much easier to access data and update data shared between different components. For example:
const context = useContext(MyContext);

Critical opinion

Hooks are a great feature that offers developers many possibilities and simplifies the creation of React components. However, they have their limitations and it is important for developers to understand them in order to use them effectively. Hooks cannot be used inside classes, which can be a drawback for those who want to create complex components. In addition, Hooks must be called at the root of the component, which can lead to performance problems if the component is updated often. Finally, Hooks Rules must be respected to avoid unpredictable behavior.


React also has a lot of hooks that allow you to write more efficient React code. You can go though the following link to learn more::br • React Hooks Reference
useState Hook by Example
useCallback Hook by Example
useMemo Hook by Example
useContext Hook by Example
useReducer Hook by Example
useReducer vs useState Hook\

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